Passengers arriving at the Port of San Francisco


Arrive San Francisco

February 24, 1852
SS Independence
Captain T.D. Lucas
From San Juan del Sur


Daily Alta California, February 24, 1852, San Francisco

Arrival of the Independence.

The steamship Independence, Capt. Lucas, of Vanderbilt's Independent Nicaragua Line, with three hundred and fifty passengers and eleven days later news from the Atlantic States, arrived this morning, twenty days from San Juan del Sud.

We are favored by Gregory's Express with eastern exchanges of Jan. 20 and 21.

The intelligence is without interest. The people of the Northern States were experiencing severe winter weather. A great snow storm fell on the 17th, 18th and 19th ult., which was felt in various parts of the northern country, accompanied by bitter cold weather. Many of the routes of travel had been closed up. The rivers are blocked up with ice, and the tracks buried beneath snow drifts. The telegraphic wires remain free to public conveniene for communication.


Per Independence--Left San Francisco Jan. 17th, 5 P.M., arrived at San Juan Feb 1st at 4 P.M. Left San Juan Feb 3d, 10 o'clock P.M. Arrived at Realejo Feb. 4th, 11 A.M.; left Realejo Feb. 5th, 6 P.M.; Feb. 9th, 3 P.M. passed steamship North America 40 miles to the southward of Acapulco. Arrived at Acapulco Feb. 10th, 10 A.M.; left Feb 12th, 12 M. Feb. 13th, 3-1/2 P.M., passed a propeller steamship supposed to be the Columbus. Arrived at San Francisco February 24th 10 A.M. There has not been one case of sickness on board since she sailed.


Acker, Abraham
Adams, C. D.
Adams, J. H.
Agnew, T. H.
Alexander, D.
Allen, Ira
Alling, E.
Anderson, Miss
Atkinson, John F.
Atkinson, R.M.
Ayers, I.
Baldwin, C.
Barland, John
Barlow, Mrs.
Barton, J.
Belding, Charles
Belknap, Lyman
Belt, J.
Berrey, E. R.
Biggs, John
Biggs, W.
Birch, William
Bishop, Edwin
Blanchard, W. D.
Boardman, C. E.
Bogardus, H. A.
Bowen, John
Brackett, Daniel
Breyfoggle, Mrs. H. P.
Breyfoggle, S.
Briggs, S.
Brigham, A.
Bright, Mrs. H. and daughter
Brim, A.
Buckingham, Robert
Burbank, H.
Burrell, S.
Butler, W. H.
Butterfield, H. H.
Campbell, D.
Carey, John
Carr, S. S.
Chadwick, R.
Chase, James
Chatfield, H. F.
Churchill, C.
Clark, Martin
Clark, Mrs.
Clements, John
Clements, William C.
Close, H.
Clousen, Aaron
Cochran, George
Cole, H. H.
Colville, W.
Colvin, Joseph
Colvin, Josiah
Conway, J.
Cooke, A. P.
Corey, H.
Corey, N.
Creeastin, Stephen H. (Might be Crecastin)
Crocker, John
Cross, J. M.
Crownin, D.
Cuyler, Mrs. M. B.
Danford, A.
Daniels, B. and lady
Darbin, George H.
Dart, P. C.
David, B.
Davis, J.
Dawson, J.
de Lernmier, W. D.
Delano, E.
Devere, Charles
Dixon, E.
Dixon, W. D.
Donnell, W. E.
Dougherty, Michael
Dow, Mrs. and two children
Downey, J.
Draper, D. W.
Drennin, H. P.
Dunn, A. P.
Durratt, E. J. (Might be Darratt)
Earnest, E.
Easterly, J.M.
Eckart, Ignatius
Eckles, B.
Edmundson, William
Elder, W.
Eldridge, J. O.
Elliott, W. H.
Ellis, A.J.
Elster, B. B.
Elster, J. C.
Fairchild, E. C.
Falcon, P. J.
Fannington, E.
Fell, John E.
Fleming, S.
Fletcher, E.
Francisco, Horace
Fuller, William
Gawn, William
Gerard, J.
Gilbert, H.
Gleason, J.
Glover, C. S.
Goddard, H.
Goddell, N. O.
Godfrey, George
Goodell, Mrs. S. P. and two children
Goodwin, Smauel B.
Gorham, E.
Grady, J.
Grant, J.
Griffin, J.B.
Griffith, Charles W.
Gulick, G. C. and lady
Hagen, H. H.
Hamilton, Robert
Hamilton, W. C.
Hamisley, Mrs. F.
Hanford, W. O.
Hardin, W. H.
Harris, William
Hatch, B.
Henderson, C.
Henderson, G. C.
Henion, D. D.
Hill, G. H.
Hings, W.A.
Hogan, L.H.
Hotchkiss, S.
Houghton, S. B.
Houston, D.
Hudson, L.O.
Hudson, L. P.
Hulburt, W.
Hunter, E. J.
Isham, N. W.
Ives, Warren
Jackson, Wesley
James, B.T.
Jewett, Haines
Jones, A. F.
Kance, F.
Kance, Mrs. A.M.
Kaule, J. M.
Kelley, H.
Kelly, Patrick and wife
Kidd, Miss
Kierman, C.
Kimberly, N.
Kingsbury, L.
Kingsley, V. A.
Knapp, E.
Lamorie, D. H.
Latham, E. H.
Legrange, A.
Liddy, Thomas
Ligler, H.
Lincoln, R. S.
Lingaur, James
Little, J.
Long, Thomas
Lookfield, B. F. (Difficult to read. This is a guess as the two "o's" are impossible to read.)
Loreaux, C.
Loreaux, G.
Loreaux, Mrs. R. and child
Lorring, G.
Louderback, W.
Louk, George
Lyons, D. M.
Lyons, Joseph B.
Mahan, James
Mahan, Miss
Martin, John
Martin, N., lady and child
Martin, S.G.
Mason, James S.
Matthews, Levi
May, Miss
McBride, R. B.
McCarty, James
McDannele, A.
McGuire, Miss
McMullen, Miss M. J.
McSorley, F.
Mead, W.
Mead, W. (Note: There are two W. Meads on the passenger list)
Mead. S.S.
Menomy, J. B.
Metcalf, A.
Morrison, C. J.
Morrison, R. and lady
Morrison, R. P.
Mosher, Henry F.
Munroe, A.
Nicol, John
O Brien, Thomas
Obin, A. A.
Olds, George W.
Olds, L.
Overaker, H.
Packard, D. E. P.
Page, G. A.
Parke, George
Parsell, David
Patterson, Samuel
Pendleton, Simeon
Phelps, Edwin
Pierce, A.
Pierce, J. B.
Pitts, Henry
Platcheck, E. and servant
Platt, D.
Plimpton, T.
Ploss, D.
Prescott, G. W.
Preston, A.
Ransom, W. B.
Ratteleze, J. (Difficult to read. Could be Raffleze, Ralleleze)
Ray, Dr. C.F. and lady
Ray, William
Reynolds, P.
Reynolds, S. G.
Riardon, Richard (Might be Reardon, which is an old San Francisco name)
Richardson, T. G.
Ringgold, Miss
Robertson, John
Robinson, A.
Rockwell, C.
Rogers, Miss
Rowe, E.
Ryan, J.
Salisbury, B.
Salisbury, E. G. and lady
Sampson, John
Sampson, N. K.
Saunders, R. D.
Savage, R., lady, three children and servant
Sawyer, S. T.
Sawyer, W. B.
Schenk, William
Scott, Robert
Shucman, B. (Might be a typographical error. Could be Schuman)
Smith, A. G.
Smith, J., lady and child
Smith, R.
Somers, Miss
Spalding, E.
Spanner, J. and servant
Stanwood, W.
Stayer, Charles K. (Difficult to read. Might be Stoyer, Steyer)
Steadman, J.
Stebbens, A.
Stebbens, William
Stevens, B. J.
Stewart, J. P., lady and children
Stewart, John
Swan, G. V.
Terry, G. K.
Thompson, J. S.
Threadcraft, Miss
Totten, J.
Tyler, Cyrus
Valentine, E. H.
Van Loan, Walton
Walton, J.
Weiss, Alex
Weller, F.
Wells, B.
Wells, Martin
Wentworth, J.
West, B. B.
White, Mrs. E. A.
Whitney, F.
Whittell, M.
Whittemore, M .H.
Wilcox, W. A.
Wilder, G. E.
Williams, C. M.
Williams, Mrs. S. C. and child
Wirts, Mrs. G. W. and child
Wood, James
Woodford, H.
Worwick, Charles R. (Might be Worawick or Worswick)
Wright, A .E.
Wright, J. M.  

The Project

Maritime Nations, Ships, Sea Captains, Merchants, Merchandise, Ship Passengers and VIPs sailing into San Francisco during the 1800s.






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Sources: As noted on entries and through research centers including National Archives, San Bruno, California; CDNC: California Digital Newspaper Collection; San Francisco Main Library History Collection; and Maritime Museums and Collections in Australia, China, Denmark, England, Finland, Germany, Ireland, Wales, Norway, Scotland, Spain, Sweden, etc.

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