Mystic Seaport Stories

I wanted to let you know about a new campaign we’ve launched in conjunction with Mystic Seaport.

I help operate a blog for Mystic Seaport, Mystic Seaport Stories and after seeing your site, I thought you might be interested our first video story which features the restoration of the Charles W. Morgan. We will be launching a new video every other Thursday at 10am EST.

Prints available by clicking on the image.
Bow of the Charles W. Morgan, a whaling ship.Joel Sartore

Mystic Seaport.Mystic Seaport. Mystic Seaport.

Mystic Seaport. Mystic Seaport.
Mystic Seaport.Mystic Seaport Songs of the Sailor. Mystic Seaport.

On Board the Morgan explains whaling, a major industry in the 19th century, in a way that upper elementary students can understand easily. David Littlefield, the on-screen narrator is interesting and engaging. His discussion is illustrated by a modern-day tour of the Charles Morgan whaling ship at Mystic Seaport and features video made in the early 20th century of whaling aboard a wooden whaler. Some of these early video clips are from Down to the Sea in Ships (1922), and others are from footage identified in the credits of the documentary. On Board the Morgan is not a political statement, but merely records a way of life from early American history. This documentary quotes passages from the novel Moby Dick to give the spirit of the whaling voyage.

Mystic Seaport.  Around Cape Horn.